The Transfer

Hello everyone, 

As Mozilla winds down their maintenance of Hubs today… We would like to introduce ourselves. We, the Hubs Foundation are a dedicated and passionate group of Hubs community members here to keep Hubs moving forward!

Thanks to the Mozilla Team for making this transfer possible and ensuring that Hubs lives on beyond Mozilla.

Over the coming weeks, we will post updates as we work toward integrating everything, setting up the new maintenance structures and continuing Hubs’ development.  

What is happening:

  1. The Hubs Foundation is the official Maintainer of the Hubs ecosystem including all of the open-sourced Hubs Repos.
  2. Mozilla is transferring the Hubs Discord server to the Hubs Foundation.
  3. All Hubs-related repositories are being transferred to the Hubs Foundation!
  4. We are working on a relaunch ofHubs Docs and Creator Labs.
  5. Hubs-related resources not owned by the Hubs Foundation will be archived/frozen but remain publicly viewable.

Thanks again to Mozilla for working with us to get us to this day. Congratulations everyone!

We will need YOUR HELP in the weeks and months to come. Stay tuned for info and announcements on how you can get involved. We think Hubs has a bright future. Please do your part. Keep contributing!

Sign up for the mailing list and watch the Hubs Discord for upcoming news.

Long live Hubs. We’ll take it from here.

P.S. Want to talk about the Hubs Foundation? message: @imaginer @agriggs @cjbraden @yvonneg on Discord for more details.


