Bring your imagination
and your friends!
Hubs is the open-source web-based virtual world platform that enables artists, creatives, and you to create 3D spaces and publish them online for anyone to visit. With just a click of a button, anyone around the world can enter and explore your scene, from almost any modern device. Use your scenes to effortlessly host virtual events with dozens of people, with full support for both voice and text chat.

Free & Open Standards
Hubs is completely open source. You as a community member are invited to participate in its development. We welcome your contribution! Hubs’ development has always prioritized open standards since its initial creation, making use of A-Frame, Three.js, and other popular open-source libraries. The open-source 3D creation suite, Blender, is fully supported as one of the primary creation tools, along with full support for the open GLTF format.

Community Focus
Hubs began its life as a project from Mozilla, and through their stewardship, the project developed into a strong platform for the open web. Now, the community has taken charge of continuing its development. We are a global community of developers, artists, writers, creatives, and educators who believe in the importance of maintaining a platform like Hubs in the otherwise very corporate, profit-focused ecosystem of virtual world platforms.